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Writing Samples

Newspaper articles

I worked as a Community Relations Officer at PAH for about year from 2016-2017. There, I was in charge of fundraising, social media updates, newsletters, constantly looking out for donations to support all my in-house charity events. We often rely on external donors to support our events in the past as PAH is a Not For Profit Organization. 

Penang Adventist Hospital

Click on me and i'll bring you to my articles 

Back in 2013, I served myself as an intern with the Star Publications Sdn. Bhd, working as a journalist. I was assigned to attend events, court cases and also crime stories. It was a rough journey but definitely a worthwhile one. So many valuable lessons were picked up and it further made me fall in love with writing as I enjoyed every single bit of it. Please click on the link on the left and read my articles, published with my bylines! 

Newsletters - Penang Adventist Hospital 

Painting Penang Purple - a noble initiative by PAH in support of FIGHT AGAINST CANCER. Often, people stereotype that cancer is a disease that has no cure, those people were wrong. This event brought a horde of Penang people to come together as one community to fight against cancer! 

Painting Penang Purple 

Gurney Paragon, Penang - 2017

During my days at Penang Adventist Hospital, I was in charge of writing monthly e-newsletters which covered areas like, pre-event, post-event, press releases, event day, opinions and a lot human-generated articles.



Social Media postings - Penang Adventist Hospital 

Go Bald Event! - Penang Adventist Hospital 2017

I was also in charge of social media updates when I was a Community Relations Officer at PAH. It was a fun task because I was given the privilege to meet many people, and most importantly, attending various kinds of events. 


Click on the photo on the right to view the postings

In 2017, PAH organized a major fundraising event, Go Bald! This event was in aid of Dr. J. Earl Gardner Fund - helps the needy with chronic diseases. This event attracted over 200 people who willingly volunteered to GO BALD in support of the aid for the needy patients. 

This is just a sample.  To read more or to contact me>>

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